
Showing posts from October, 2014

The 40 Most Breathtaking Abandoned Places In The World

A tree growing through an abandoned piano Share twitter Source: Overgrown palace, Poland Share twitter Source:  Lucas Malkiewicz In 1910, this grand palace was built as a home for Polish Royalty. The rest of the century proved uncertain for the country and under communist rule the palace became an agricultural school, as well as a home for mentally handicapped adults and children. The former palace was deserted following the fall of the USSR. Jet Star Rollercoaster, Seaside Heights, New Jersey Share twitter Source: The Jet Star Rollercoaster was left submerged in the Atlantic Ocean after Superstorm Sandy in 2013. It stood rusting for six months, until it was plucked from the sea. Abandoned House in the Woods Share twitter Source: Church in St. Etienne, France Share twitter Source: ...